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About Us

The Ethical Marketing Campaign for Addiction Treatment (EMCAT) was founded by a coalition of dedicated individuals united by a commitment to enhance standards in addiction treatment marketing across the United Kingdom. Our mission is to develop, promote, and advocate for a specific code of conduct that governs ethical marketing practices tailored to the UK context.


We aim to foster collaboration among various organisations and individuals to affiliate and collectively maintain high standards in the ethical marketing of addiction services. EMCAT will actively identify and address, and where necessary, report any unethical or misleading advertising and marketing practices.
EMCAT operates as a network of former and current professionals in the addiction field, plus others with an interest in this field. We operate under the auspices of Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR-UK) registered charity in Scotland.

Executive Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Our executive team is responsible for setting the long-term vision and strategic goals of EMCAT. They make high-level decisions that impact the entire organisation and ensure that day-to-day operations align with these strategic objectives.  

Strategy Team

Commitment, Proficiency, Enthusiasm

Our strategy team is dedicated to steering our EMCAT towards its long-term aspirations. We conduct comprehensive strategic planning, define clear and measurable goals, and identify key strategic initiatives to ensure success.  Effective communication of our strategic vision and goals is a priority, ensuring all stakeholders are engaged. 

Advisory Team

Experts in the field

Our advisory team assist in problem-solving, offer mentorship to the Executive and Strategy Teams, review business plans and proposals, and propose innovative solutions to enhance growth and efficiency. While not involved in day-to-day operations, their role is crucial in shaping the overall strategy and direction of EMCAT

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